You don't need another diet.

RESET your mentality to what works 100% better and forever.

You don't need another diet.

RESET your mentality to what works 100% better and forever.

Does this Sound Familiar?

You want to be healthier and you want to feel good in your body, but you’re sick of extreme diets and exercise regimens that either yield little results, or are impossible to keep up over time.

You're sick of the constant hunger and guilt or feeling like you need to avoid food-related events with friends and family.

You were told to try keto, paleo, Atkins, or Whole 30 that seemed to work for someone else but was not a good fit for you.

A change in your schedule or routine disrupts your diet and exercise endeavors.

You are JUST SICK AND TIRED of using diets as temporary “band-aids” and are unsure how to address the root of the problem – our habits and mindset.

But, What If?...

You could enjoy your food AND achieve your health goals – for the rest of your life?

Imagine being able to eat smarter versus less, and have an improved relationship not only with food, but with your self-image.

Imagine never feeling deprived again by resetting your habits and thoughts towards health and fitness.

If that sounds up your alley, let me invite you to...

The RESET Program

The RESET Program

This online program helps you create sustainable habits in both diet and exercise, so you can enjoy your food and achieve a healthier weight!

See how to dump that old restrictive dieting mentality, and reset your mind towards maintainable yet healthy lifestyle habits.

Using nutritional counseling and behavior change therapy, you will learn how to truly eat balanced while still enjoying your favorite foods.

We aim to help you form better “default” habits that can otherwise shove people off track when life gets hectic.

This Program is for you if...

  • You are tired of trying all the diets out there with no lasting results.

  • You are tired of being hungry all the time.

  • You are in this for the long-haul, and want lasting results

  • You want credible information and save yourself time sorting through internet "clutter."

  • You and your doctor want your labs to improve

This Program is NOT for you if...

  • You want a "quick fix."

  • You have digestive issues that need addressing first.

  • You are not quite ready for life-style changes

Modules of The RESET Program

Getting to Know Ourselves and Our Motivations

If we want to achieve our goals and make them last, it is important to both know ourselves and what we truly want to accomplish. RESET will explore your motivations and also evaluate where they are coming from.

Eating Smarter and Balanced

We all know what we eat is important, but the HOW and WHEN can be just as important too. You will learn what proper plate balance looks like along with other new strategies you will form into habits.

Putting Meal Planning Into Practice

You may have learned some meal planning in the past, but it is important to learn which style fits best for you and your schedule. Your customized meal plan provided by Elissa will help support these new skills until they feel routine.

Understand Portioning

When your plate is balanced and you understand proper portioning, there is no need for a restrictive diet. You will feel satisfied on less calories, even when it comes to foods you would normally feel like you could not have. RESET will teach you what this looks like.

Joyful Movement

Physical activity is a crucial component of a healthy lifestyle, but if you don’t enjoy it, it’s not going to stick. RESET will dive into what activities you find the most enjoyable and provide strategies to adopt them into a busy lifestyle without getting “burnt out.”

How to Become an Intuitive Eater

Learning how to truly “tune in” to your body’s hunger and fullness is the key component most weight loss diets lack, and is why they usually can’t be sustained. RESET will shift your thinking towards honoring your hunger rather than suppressing it, so there will be no need for those self-sabotaging “cheat days” that you would otherwise long for.

We now offer multiple levels of support to best meet your needs

9 Modules to learn at your own pace and with your own schedule with registered dietitian Elissa Lueckemeyer RDN, LD

Interactive workbook and private Facebook community to engage yourself in the content, to receive additional support, and connect with other members

9 Modules to learn at your own pace and with your own schedule with registered dietitian Elissa Lueckemeyer RDN, LD

Food 4 Success, LLC Dietitians

Online weekly office Hours with a Registered Dietitian to answer questions

Interactive workbook and private Facebook community to engage yourself in the content and connect with other members

Each member receives their own personalized meal plan prescribed by a registered dietitian

Next starting date: Week of 9/30/24

9 Modules to learn at your own pace and with your own schedule with registered dietitian Elissa Lueckemeyer RDN, LD

Weekly Live Group Coaching with a Registered Dietitian to provide accountability, feedback, and help overcome barriers

One 1 hour individual consult with Registered Dietitian to tailor program to you

Interactive workbook and private Facebook community to engage yourself in the content and connect with other members

Each member receives their own personalized meal plan prescribed by a registered dietitian.

*Payment Plan Available

Why The RESET Program can be a better alternative to Nutrition Counseling

You may be wondering if you should choose insurance-based nutrition counseling or investing in The RESET Program.

Below are the features of both options so you can make the best choice for you.

What others say...

I had high hopes for this program, and they were surpassed in every way. My goals at the beginning were to lose some weight and learn how to feed my family better. I knew that fast food, coca-cola, and wine were my biggest issues. I’ve conquered those. And I’ve done much better than that. I’ve learned how to confront myself. I see things I want to change in my life, and I change them. I’ve learned how to set goals and take action. This is spilling over into other areas of my life as well – not just nutrition and exercise. It’s hard to describe how much these past months have changed who I am and how I view myself. I’m a different person.

I did the RESET 10 week program with Food 4 Success and I really enjoyed it . I learned a ton of new information . I enjoyed being able to watch all the modules when I had the free time during the week . We also had weekly coaching calls which was nice to ask any question you had or even to just share frustrations with peers and to hear other people’s questions or concerns . I like the way it was not set up as a strict diet where you only focus on all the foods you need to get rid of . It was more about teaching good healthy nutrition and teaching balance.

‘The Reset Program’ gave me the tools, techniques,
knowledge, and feedback to make huge strides toward total health and wellness
(emotional and physical). The program is comprehensive in nature and will help
anyone who is genuinely ready to embrace a healthier SELF.

The RESET program puts you on the right path toward health and wellness, but you must do the work. Since completing the program, I have experienced some weight loss, and an increase in energy, and this has enhanced my positive outlook on life. Before this program, I was feeling very unhealthy, there were visible signs that my overall health was declining, and it affected my emotional state also. I am still a work in progress, but I feel healthier because of implementing the recommendations I learned in the program. It’s “Progress- not perfection.” However, I can feel and see the benefits of intentionally resetting my thinking and I look forward to continuing to gradually reclaim my nutritional life. So can you.

- Lani P.



Nutritional Counseling

Insurance-based counseling is based off the approval of your insurance provider and specific plan. Because of this, we are only able to provide what they allow and follow specific guidelines if they do approve coverage for weight loss counseling. This can include:

  • Limitations in visits requiring a certain amount of time in between

  • No additional support in between appointments to answer questions and provide feedback

  • No personalized meal planning program included

While nutritional counseling itself can be very helpful for a variety of conditions, we find that specifically for weight management, continuous support and ongoing accountability is the game changer in achieving your goals and keeping them.

We developed this program because the structure that insurance-based counseling allowed for weight loss was not often sufficient for effective change. Clients needed additional support and sometimes felt they would "fall off the wagon," prolonging their health journey.

The RESET Program

Most weight loss programs may have nutritionists or personal trainers, but do not have registered dietitians working directly with their clientele. They may provide a generic meal plan or exercise regimen and tell you to “get to it”.

There often lacks support or a counseling component in making positive changes become habitual. They sometimes may even set unrealistic time parameters that are not sufficient in establishing new habits.

So... 1) you may not be getting safe dietary advice to begin with that’s right or effective for YOU and YOUR body and 2) you don’t get the support and counseling from a credentialed professional that is qualified to guide you toward making real behavior changes over time

We at Food 4 Success know this is the norm, because we see it all the time. This is the very reason hundreds come to see us every year and it’s why we realized a group program was sorely needed.

This program was created by transforming what has been effective for individual clients into a supportive community environment.

This includes the continued guidance of a credentialed healthcare professional combined with the comradery and support of those working toward the same goals as you are. And all from the comfort of your home and adaptable to your schedule thanks to the power of online courses!

Are you ready to stop dieting and start living your best life instead?


1. Why is this course 10 weeks long?

This is not your average weight loss program. As registered dietitians who work with clients towards sustainable weight management on a regular basis, we know that you need (and deserve) adequate time to make new concepts become habits.

By investing the time now, we know you can save yourself a lot of time (and money) on something that truly works rather than on temporary fixes. 

2. What is the difference between a nutritionist and a registered dietitian?

Great question!

There’s the saying “all dietitians are nutritionists, but not all nutritionists are dietitians.” It’s a little confusing, but the difference is that anyone can proclaim themselves as a nutritionist. They may have a keen interest in nutrition and may have studied some.

A registered dietitian however is a credentialed healthcare provider that must receive at least a Bachelor of Science in nutrition, complete post-graduate coursework and an intense internship of over 1000 supervised hours in clinical, business, and community dietetics, then pass a gnarly registration exam in order to become credentialed. Then, in Texas, they are required to become licensed by the state. They must then complete at least 75 hours of continuing education every 5-year cycle and more if they have other certifications.

When needing nutrition guidance, we always recommend seeking a registered dietitian, especially if you have medical conditions. 

3. Which diet is the best out there?

One that is balanced and that can be sustained for life. We will show you how to accomplish that! If you are on a diet at this very moment, ask yourself if you can eat that way for the rest of your life. 

4. How can restrictive dieting be harmful?

We live in a world of so much “right now” that it is very easy to forget the long-term consequences. For those who diet cycle, or “yo-yo diet” frequently, it can cause disordered eating patterns, poor relationships with food (often fear) and difficulty with metabolism and losing weight in the future.

At Food 4 Success, we also often see individuals develop digestive problems, have injuries, or develop vitamin/mineral deficiencies from not getting balanced nutrition that can lead to a whole other domino effect of complications.

Have questions?

Wondering if this is the right program for you?

We get it and are happy to speak with you!

Created by

Elissa Lueckemeyer RDN, LD

Elissa Lueckemeyer is a wife, mom, messy cook, and registered dietitian. She formed Food 4 Success, LLC in 2015 with the mission to spread credible nutrition information to her community. Elissa and her team at Food 4 Success practice the latest scientific and evidence-based nutrition for multiple medical conditions and for weight management. She believes in the power of a good relationship with food for life-long health results, rather than temporary dieting that is not sustainable. She loves creating courses for people of all different backgrounds and levels of nutritional knowledge to spread effective and safe information, rather than the latest fad. She is also not "the food police," as some newcomers worry. :)

Contact us

1067 FM 306 Suite 404

New Braunfels, TX 78130


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